Applications for accommodation for 2025/26
Queen’s University Belfast (Queen’s) welcomes applications from undergraduate and postgraduate students for the 2025/26 academic year.
First year students are guaranteed Queen’s accommodation.
They must have firmly accepted their university offer and have submitted an online application for accommodation by 30 June 2025 midday (12pm).
International students on a single semester visiting or exchange programme must have submitted an online application
for accommodation by 1 August 2025 for September 2025 arrival.
First year students from Northern Ireland
First year students from Northern Ireland are only guaranteed a room in Queen's Accommodation if they reside more than 45 miles from the University. All other applications received will be placed on a waiting list.
Priority for wait list applicants will be given to those students who, on 30 June 2025 midday (12pm), have firmly accepted their undergraduate or postgraduate offer and have submitted an online application for accommodation.
Allocations from the waiting list will be based on distance from campus, with priority given to students living further away.
Places are available for returning students in Queen's accommodation
or with our nominated partners. Queen’s will make every effort to allocate students a room type,
location, or lifestyle option (if selected) based on the preferences selected on this application but this is not always possible.
Please note: Any student currently living in Queen’s accommodation that has outstanding debt will have their 2025-26 application withdrawn until all outstanding fees are paid in full.
The full Allocation Policy and Conditions of Occupancy are available on the
Accommodation at Queen's website.